Re: What to do with xml:lang for triples?

I think Tim underrated his Attempt 2, which is a form of ternary
relation as described in

        rdf:value="Ora Lassila"/>

The syntax is pretty darned close to the "bad" XML syntax, but it
produces a decent RDF model - the resource has a name arc to an
anonymous node; this node has a value arc to the string and to the
relevant language.  I don't think this "means" that the language is a
property of the string; I think it means it's an interpretation property
of the resource whose value is the string.  The ternary relation example
works for me.

   -- Mark

Mark Grossman
Geocast Network Systems       Tel: (650)566-3259
190 Independence Dr.          Fax: (650)566-8112
Menlo Park, CA 94025          E-Mail:

Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2000 17:43:18 UTC