Re: URIs vs URLs?

Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN wrote:
> 2) About rdfs:Class and other "virtual" resources.
> Many resources are "defined" by ways of RDF.
> Their URIs don't return their content (which often doesn't even exist)
> but some description of the resource.
> That's what Jonas raises :
> QUESTION 2 : how do I know when an URI points to the resource, or to a description of the resource
> This question raises also when we're dealing with real-world-objet-URIs (like person's),
> because those URIs will doubtfully return the resource itself !

As I understund. The best way to handle this is to give the resource a
type.  This could be a mime type or any other type of type. The
rdfs:Class resource has the type rdfs:Class. The application will have
to understand that this is an abstract type.

The same goes for types like Person. The application will have to
understand that this is a living entity and that those things can't be
retrieved over the internet. Any content of the URL would by
interpretation of this semantics, be regarded as a description of the

You would like to have a service that could tell you that a Person is
a living entity, and that a living entity is a material thing. With a
help like this, your application would only have to know that
retrievable resources of material things will probably contain a
description of the corresponding entity.

/ Jonas  -

Received on Tuesday, 4 January 2000 15:01:18 UTC