Re: Announcement: First Graphical RDF/RDF-Schema Editor Available!

This is a very interesting piece of work, and well worth taking a look
at. Even more so since the Protege system now ships with Java source code
under the opensource Mozilla Public License. Protege provides an excellent
environment for exploring interoperability between the RDF / Semantic Web
information model and other traditions (KR, ontology management, OKBC
etc). If you do take a look at Protege's evolving RDF support, do cc: the with any comments/suggestions.

have fun,


On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Stefan Decker wrote:

> RDF-Folks,
> The Protege-Group around Prof. Mark Musen at Stanfords Medical Informatics
> just released a new version of its Protege-system.
> With this new release, RDF authors can use Protege's graphical editing
> capabilities directly on RDF schemas and RDF instance data.
> Given an RDF schema, specific RDF-editors are generated by the Protege system.
> The Protege Web site is at ,
> and the software can be downloaded by following the link to "Protege-2000".
> You can read about the specific enhancements to support RDF at
> f_support.html
> For a comparison between the RDF semantic model and the semantic model
> of Protege please have a look at:
> Currently this RDF support is marked as "experimental".
> That means there is still more work that can be done to make Protege maximally
> useful for editing RDF.
> Feedback from the RDF community will be very important to for doing so.
> We hope that as many RDF users as possible will be able to try out
> the software, and to give feedback at .
> On behalf of Mark Musen and the Protege Group,
> 	Stefan Decker

Received on Wednesday, 2 February 2000 13:46:02 UTC