Re: a questioin on use of RDF


Are yu thinking of something like dublin core, but more particularly
informative about the publisher/author of the site?

Charles McCN

On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Sankar Virdhagriswaran wrote:
  The problem I would like to address is the meta-data description about a
  site (yes, I do mean site - not a page nor the structure of the web site --
  we can go there later, but KISS is what I am going after). I want to have
  individuals, companies, organizations, etc. describe some thing about
  themselves in an RDF description. An individual can think of it as his/her
  business card. A corporation or private organization can think of it as the
  information they file to a governmental body when they get incorporated. A
  Governmental institution can think of it in a similar fashion. Maybe a
  semantic search engine will then index sites based on the information
  provided in these "Calling cards".

Received on Friday, 24 September 1999 12:40:13 UTC