SIMILE PI phone conference, 29-Jan-04 1100 EDT/1600 BST

SIMILE PI phone conference, 29-Jan-04 1100 EDT/1600 BST
866-639-4752 or +1-574-935-6705
PIN: 2536617


A1. Review goals for March demonstration
A2. Demonstrate current state of clients
A3. Review project task list and assign tasks to new members

(More details of these items are below)


Goal 1: Demonstrate it is possible to browse Artstor and OCW data 
(Storing data in memory, using a subset of Artstor data)


Currently there are three clients: 
 a. Stand-alone Haystack (flexible, but large local footprint)
    can display data, some performance issues
 b. Haystack over the Web (small local footprint)
    This is working, some issues when displaying Artstor and OCW dataset  
 c. Longwell (small footprint, easy to modify)
    This is working

Following are candidate goals for a subsequent (at scale) demonstration.  

Goal 2: Demonstrate inferencing

Three possibilities:
  a. Add inferencing information using Jena, write to RDF, then load into
  b. Add inferencing information using Joseki, get Haystack to retrieve
information from Joseki server
  c. Perform inferencing in Longwell client

Goal 4: Repeat goal 1 for entire Artstor dataset in a persistent local

Goal 5: Repeat goal 1 for entire Artstor dataset obtained via HTTP


a. Stand-alone Haystack (Steve)
   - demonstrate separate display of Artstor and OCW data
b. Haystack over the Web (Steve)
   - demonstrate how (a) looks over the web
c. Longwell (Mark)
   - demonstrate combined display of Artstor, OCW data


We need to assign priorities and allocate resources to the following tasks.

1. Artstor and OCW datasets (Mark)

1.1 Identify "lessons learned" from preparing these datasets for use
    (overview for March, report afterwards)
    - what we needed to do to the data
    - how we did it (XSLT)
    - how we recommend doing it in the future
1.2 Respond to any additional specific needs for March demonstration

2. Haystack client (Steve, Vineet, David H)

2.1 Improve faceted browsing capabilities in Haystack
    - allow Artstor and OCW data to be viewed as a single collection
    - display refinements of Artstor/OCW collection using the Artstor view 
2.2 Improve Haystack UI
    - allow customization of fields displayed in the Artstor view
    - improve Web interface
2.3 Provide RDF export capability
2.4 Address performance issues
    - allow incremental display of query results
2.5 Integrate Haystack with Joseki

3. Longwell client (Mark)

3.1 Improve Longwell UI
3.2 Demonstrate inference
3.3 Demonstrate client on entire Artstor dataset
3.4 Produce machine readable RDF/XML output
3.5 Perform queries via HTTP

4. Preparation for March demonstration

4.1 Identify subset of corpus for demonstration
4.2 User testing
4.3 Making datasets available via Joseki
4.4 Consider additional clients (Brownsauce, RDFNavigator)

5. Project infrastructure

5.1 Tracking mechanisms
    - Goals for demonstration
    - Progess towards goals
    - Task assignments
    - Issues
5.2 CVS repositories
    - Simile repository at (Mark)
    - Haystack repository at MIT (Steve, others)
5.3 Communication
    - Private email list
    - WIKI

Received on Wednesday, 28 January 2004 12:51:15 UTC