RE: haystack + jena


In the first instance, that would be me.

There are two possible scenarios: using a Joseki server and remotely
connecting Haystack to that Joseki server (for example, the new history
store) or connecting Haystack to a external but local Jena model (for
example, one held in a database).  

Both these are interesting; both can be done with the same query approach
although the tighter local binding may also be capable of finer grain
access.  I can help with either.

There is also the open mailing list for
developers using Jena which everyone should feel free to use.  This is the
place for Jena and Joseki questions.

> I think this should be relatively straightforward once the
> information starts to flow.

I hope so as well.

-----Original Message-----
From: David R. Karger [] 
Sent: 10 September 2003 15:46
Subject: haystack + jena

Something we've been discussing for a while (and an important step for
simile) is to get haystack working as front end against a jena back
end.  I've identified a haystacker to work on this from our end.  Is
there an HPer who can similarly accept responsiblity for the jena side
of things?  I think this should be relatively straightforward once the
information starts to flow.


Received on Wednesday, 10 September 2003 11:39:57 UTC