Proposed text for section on application profiles

I hope people don't mind, I basically spliced together the comments made on the list and added a couple of references.  (Excuse the LaTeX 'boilerplate')...

In addition to schema and vocabularies, in many domains there exist rules and `best practice' guidelines for the use of those schema and vocabularies.  These are sometimes used because there is a perceived problem that schema languages, DTDs, ontology languages and suchlike don't provide a formal way of capturing deployment practices.  In other words, there are many things about an application, and its  structuring and organisation of data, which are not captured by the general schema/vocabulary description for Dublin Core, MeSH, etc.

These application profiles have been defined as ``schemas which consist of data elements from one or more namespaces, combined together by implementors, and optimized for a particular local application''\cite{metadataprinciples}.

For example, part of an application profile might look like this:

In ILRT's Biomedical Image Archive we use Dublin Core title/description properties. Each title should begin with a capital letter, and end with a full stop. Titles are mandatory in the biomed database. Descriptions are optional, but should not exceed 1000 characters. The values of dc:subject are drawn from the MeSH classification system. We write dc:date in ISO8601 and use the date that the image was digitized.

Another good example of an application is the Library Application Profile of Dublin Core \cite{dclibap} (used by DSpace).

Application profiles may be defined informally, as prose meant for human consumption, or more formally.  For example, there is an XML schema for METS application profiles \cite{metsappprofile}.  The content of these profiles is almost always for humans and is application rules for the schema as it applies in a particular context.  While Machine-interpretable application profiles are useful for some purposes (e.g. tailoring a UI) this can often be handled by the schema language directly.

 Robert Tansley / Hewlett-Packard Laboratories / (+1) 617 551 7624

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2003 14:29:26 UTC