RE: Revised version of plenary agenda

Fortunately we can now use the Megalon meeting room all day for both days.

Non-HP attendees: You will need sign in and collect a visitor badge from the front desk in the lobby at 1 Cambridge Center.  Then you'll need to take the elevator to the 12th floor, and sign in at HP's front desk.  The Megalon meeting room is on the 11th floor; you can take the stairs in the HP facility to get there.

 Robert Tansley / Hewlett-Packard Laboratories / (+1) 617 551 7624 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Butler, Mark
> Sent: 11 December 2003 10:29
> To: 'SIMILE public list'
> Subject: Revised version of plenary agenda
> SIMILE Plenary Proposal Version 3
> 1. Logistics
> Dates: Wednesday 17 - Thursday 18 December
> Venue: HPL 1 Cambridge Center, Cambridge MA 
>> l
> On the 
> morning of the 17th the meeting will use the Rodan 
> conference room, then Megalon conference room for the 
> remainder of the meeting. 
> Duration: 9.30 am until 5pm both days. 
> There will be a evening meal on Wednesday the 17th, all team 
> members invited, venue to be announced. 
> Day 1 - Demonstrator Completion
> Morning:
> 1/ Review Demonstrator Script
> 2/ Review and cover remaining issues
>    - Metadata modelling
>    - Metadata publishing
> 3/ Collection integration issues and planning
>    - Mapping between overlapping instances
>    - Vocabulary mapping
> 4/ User Interface Issues
> Afternoon:
> 5/ Produce detailed plan to realise demo, with timescales.
> Day 2 - Post-Demonstrator Planning and Teambuilding
> Ideally to include new hires
> 6/ Revisit SIMILE project goals
> 7/ Activity roadmap exercise

Received on Tuesday, 16 December 2003 14:53:09 UTC