FW: Proposed SIMILE CY2003 milestones / interface points

A stab at milestones and owners/interface points.  (We do not yet have a basis for target dates).  These are derived from the task spreadsheet generated at the Plenary, notes published to www-rdf-dspace by Mark and Andy, and individual discussion. 
Draft, for  comment & discussion at today's telecon. 

SIMILE Key Milestones supporting CY2003 Year-End Demo:

¨ complete and circulate demo "scripts"
     - tuned & detailed definition for esp. demo #1a
     - resolve unknown: controlled vocabulary mapping

¨ demo #1a test corpus available (sans mapping)
     (smith, miller)
     - content
     - RDFS for VRA
     - RDFS for IMS schema
     - resolve unknown: RDFS for controlled vocabulary(ies)?
     - metadata instances for VRA island.  resolve unknown: # records?
     - metadata instances for IMS island.  resolve unknown: # records?

¨ demo #1a test corpus available (including mapping)
     (smith, miller)
     - all above, plus
     - definition of mapping rules to bridge VRA island and IMS island
     - resolve unknown: expression language for rules?
     - mapping rules expressed using OWL?
     - mapping rules expressed using custom rule set?

¨ version plan for mapping capability implementation & turnon
     (butler, seaborne, smathers)
     - captures intermediate demo milestones
     - describes required interfaces between/among teams

¨ Performant mapping capability demonstrated
     (seaborne, smathers)
     - functional and technical de-risking|milestone
     - this milestone cleared when mapping rules have
       been produced and query system is demonstrated
       that respects the maps and achieves acceptable

¨ Reproducible deployment/demo environment
     (tansley, smathers)
     - reliably reproducible at all of MIT/CRL/HPLB/HPLPA
     - defines source code repository(ies) of record
     - defines test data corpus repository(ies) of record

¨ strawman DSpace / SIMILE architecture whitepaper
     - describes proposed component relationships among DSpace, SIMILE, & components
     - describes proposed migration path DSpace to SIMILE

¨ Haystack / Josecki connector
     - queries issued from Haystack to DSpace History System via Josecki return data
     - data displayed in primitive manner

¨ Haystack navigation of History System
     - Haystack client navigates DSpace History System metadata store

**Component code freeze
     (bass, all)
     - components complete to enable final packaging / testing / dry runs of demo

**Demo Dry Run Complete
     (butler, tansley)
     - though hopefully demo dry runs will occur iteratively
     - this milestone cleared when we've executed the "demo script"
        in lab conditions.

**Demo Delivered

Mick Bass

Research and Business Development
HP Laboratories
Hewlett-Packard Company
1 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142

970.898.6788 office    240.536.0765 fax
617.899.3938 mobile    303.494.5202 residence
bass@alum.mit.edu      mick_bass@hp.com

Received on Friday, 15 August 2003 08:01:06 UTC