RE: Issue 60, Research Drivers Document

The HP Semantic Web research group's website is

and this contains information about Jena.

We are currently migrating to Jena2 (complete this summer).  Jena2 is
compliant with RDF-core WG and WebOnt W3C working Groups.

Jena2 can be downloaded form SourceForge

Jena is open source under a BSD-style license.

+ Readers and writers for RDF/XML, N-Triples, RDF/N3
  The ARP RDF parser is used by the W3C Validator site
+ A RDF API including RDF datatyping
+ Ontology API (OWL, DAML+OIL, RDFS)
+ Ontology readers (OWL, DAML,+OIL RDFS)
+ Storage mechanisms (in-memory, database)
+ Plug-in reasoner API (so you can connect to your favourite DL engine)
+ Reasoners for RDFS and for the rules-based subset of OWL (i.e. the
OWL-lite subset of OWL-full).
+ Query language and implementation: RDQL

The support list for Jena is


Preview3 is due to be released in May and will include databsae backed
persistent storage (provided by the HP Genesis team).  The current preview2
support in-memory RDF models only.

Joseki is part of the Jena framework but is distributed
separately (our download is in danger of getting too big!).  This is a RDF
server that uses HTTP and query to provide access to large RDF repositories.


-----Original Message-----
From: Butler, Mark [] 
Sent: 28 April 2003 18:15
Subject: Issue 60, Research Drivers Document

Issue 60, Research Drivers Document

Action for: Andy Seaborne

Andy, can you answer this question please?

[ 060. ]
Summary: Section 2.1.4 What tools are in Jena?
Raised By: David Hunyh
Status: open

Researchers at HP Labs have been developing a Java-based open 
source semantic web toolkit called Jena . [Which tools are in the toolkit?] 

Received on Tuesday, 29 April 2003 05:27:18 UTC