Re: pfps-05 RDFS closure rules

On Mon, 2003-07-28 at 16:58, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:


> Unfortunately, this document still has problems with the RDF and RDFS
> entailment rules.  The problems are less critical because the status of the
> RDFS entailment rules have been further downgraded.
> Currently the document states ``This terminology is agnostic as to whether
> XML data is considered to be identical to a character string''  (Section
> 3).  It also states that ``The document also describes complete sets of
> inference rules corresponding to the semantics de[s]cribed in the text''
> (Section 0.1).  
> These two statements are mutually inconsistent.  Because of the rigid
> nature of untyped literals and XML literals in rdf-interpretations, a
> complete set of inference rules for rdf-interpretations will of necessity
> determine whether an RDF XML literal is a string or not.

Oops - sorry Peter, I should have updated the ED's draft.  Now done:

The text concerning the denotation of XML literals has been modified and
I believe should address your concern.

Are we done on this one?


Received on Monday, 28 July 2003 12:48:03 UTC