Comments on WD-rdf-primer-20020319

Below are some general comments/questions/nits from a quick scan of: 

 RDF Primer W3C Working Draft 19 March 2002


Art Barstow

o The first question I asked when I saw this document is - is it
 informational or normative.  I found the answer but suggest 
 explicitly stating this in the Abstract.

o One of the new RDF specs (I'll call this RDF 1.NG) should enumerate 
 the differences between M&S 1.0 and RDF 1.NG.  Perhaps this
 document is a reasonable place to document the diffs.

o Need an example of containers [or an explanation about why they
 are not part of RDF 1.NG].

o Need an example of parseType="Literal".  Explain how namespace
 declarations should be declared/handled.  Clarify the example
 in M&S 1.0 section 7.5.

o The N-Triples syntax does not allow the P/S/O on separate lines yet
 in the N-Triples examples the P/S/O are all on separate lines.  This 
 should be noted or the examples fixed.

o The example in 3. uses parseType="Resource" but never explains what
 it means or why it used.

o Include an example of embedding RDF in XHTML [a FAQ]

o Given the details about RDFS, perhaps the title should be "RDF and 
 RDFS Primer" or is the W3C going to produce a separate RDFS primer.

o I'd reduce section 5 to pointers to their respective documents/home
 pages or to some links in the RDF IG's home pate.  Concentrate on RDF 
 itself not on its marketing :-)!

o What happened to the M&S 1.0's rdf:value property?  If RDF 1.NG
 maintains it, it's usage should be explained.

o How about a glossary?  In the past that's been a fairly hot topic 
 within the RDF IG.

o Format the XML in 2.2. so that matching begin and end elements 
 align [easier to read]

Received on Friday, 22 March 2002 09:25:38 UTC