Re: [URI vs. URIViews] draft-frags-borden-00.txt

At 06:23 AM 2/26/02 +0000, Brian McBride wrote:
>>>the syntactic structure of the URI ref. The example that I provide is
>>>supposed to be "nonsensical" _only_ if you presume to interpret what the URI
>>>ref 'means' based on its syntax. I am suggesting that RDF treat URI
>>>references as opaque identifiers, and that it ought not be possible to
>>>derive meaning by parsing the structure of the URI ref.
>>>To the WG: does RDF mean to say otherwise?
>Hmmm, nice one.  RDF operates in the context of the web where there is a 
>function GET (URI, setof mimetypes) to byteseq.  So far we have no formal 
>connection between these, but maybe having one would be helpful.

That might help Euler flush out the use/mention bugs ... ;-)

>>However, that identity test means that RDF needs to be able to discover 
>>coincidence between a uriref used in one document, consisting of a an 
>>absolute URL plus a fragId, and the uriref consisting of that fragId used 
>>in the RDF document which is retrievable by conventional web transfer 
>>protocols using the absolute URL. So to the extent that RDF inference 
>>depends on this ability to cross-identify urirefs in various documents, 
>>the answer is No.
>Hmmm, I think of that as a feature of the RDF/XML transfer syntax, not of 
>RDF per se.  What comes out of the parser is absolute uris with option 
>frag id's - that's what's in the graph.  If the model theory is the 
>essence of RDF, it operates on the graph and isn't bothered by this.  The 
>graph contains only absolute URI's with opt frag id's - right?

That's pretty much what I've always assumed.


Graham Klyne

Received on Friday, 1 March 2002 05:12:46 UTC