Re: [URI vs. URIViews] draft-frags-borden-00.txt

>Perhaps a short note of explanation. Aaron's issue is a valid one, however
>my solution is not to change RDF, rather to submit an Internet Draft to the
>IETF which, if accepted, i.e. becomes an RFC, validates the RDF usage. I am
>doing this in a way that does not interfere with other people's (i.e.
>non-RDF) current use of URI refs.
>In an ideal world I would state that:
>Every URI reference identifies a resource. A resource may be anything with
>identity. (This is the RDF usage).
>The 'problem' is that RFC 2396 states that a _URI_ (i.e. without frag id)
>identifies a resource. It doesn't say that a URI ref identifies a resource.
>Not wishing to _supercede_ RFC 2396, i.e. not wishing to redefine the RFC
>2396 definition of the term _resource_, I invented a new term "subresource"
>which is intended to be just like a resource except that it is identifies by
>a URI + a nonblank fragment identifier.
>The net effect is the same, though I admit this way of defining things is
>more circuitous. On the other hand I can't just go around willy-nilly
>redefining how RFC 2396 works (well that is the theory in any case).
>So what I've said isn't much, the effect is to say: The RDF usage is
>correct, but I am saying it in a way that allows non-RDF folks to continue
>to use RFC 2396 unchanged.

OK, then please bear in mind that my recent long response to you was 
written before I read the above.

I think there are still some serious issues to sort out in this area, 
both within RDF and more generally.


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Received on Friday, 22 February 2002 18:14:58 UTC