Re: Dark triples, motivating examples

Aaron says:

Alright, but do dark triples fix reification?


Didn't know that reification was broken.  I though it was resolved by the WG
very nicely.

Grahm says:

I think not, because they don't of themselves provide a way to identify a
statement.  Of course, one can use the reification vocabulary and
assert(sic) that it's "dark", but I guess that's not what you meant by

Seth continues:

I fail to see how the triple refered to by a reification quad is *not* dark
in the graph which contains it.  For example:

In a graph containing this reification quad:

_:1 rdf:type rdf:Statement.
_:1 rdf:subject foo:S.
_:1 rdf:predicate foo:V.
_:1 rdf:object foo:O.

The triple:

foo:S foo:V foo:O.

Is *certainly* dark.

Seth Russell

--- in response to ---
To: Aaron Swartz <>
From: Graham Klyne <>
Cc: RDF Core <>
Subject: Re: Dark triples, motivating examples

At 12:11 AM 4/16/02 -0500, Aaron Swartz wrote:
> > PS. A pre-emptive strike: reification doesn't do it, either.
>Alright, but do dark triples fix reification?

I think not, because they don't of themselves provide a way to identify a
statement.  Of course, one can use the reification vocabulary and
assert(sic) that it's "dark", but I guess that's not what you meant by

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2002 18:19:03 UTC