Comments on draft-swartz-rdfcore-rdfxml-mediatype-00

Two comments:

- I didn't find any place in the document where it says that
   application/rdf+xml is a document that contains only RDF,
   or uses an RDF top element. I didn't see any language that
   says that any document that contains a bit of RDF somewhere
   can use this type. The document should be clear what the
   intent is, it could be either.

- Section 4 is very difficult to understand for somebody who
   is not very familiar with RDF. I think that section should
   say two things:

   - If I have something like <html:a href="document.rdf#fragment">,
     what's supposed to happen. That's what RFC 2396 (in a bit
     different words, of course) asks for. I could imagine
     various answers:
     - Ignore the fragment ID
     - Try to find an rdf:ID or rdf:about that match, and jump there.
       (this seems to be what the last paragraph is saying)
     - Don't even try to download the document.
     - Allow more than one of the above,...

   - As used in RDF, a fragment identifier doesn't mean that
     you jump there,...

Regards,    Martin.

Received on Thursday, 11 April 2002 03:12:35 UTC