Re: is rdfs:domain useful as currently defined?

I would like to reinforce Ralph's mild comments more stongly.

The current wording implies that the subject of a property 
can be in *any* class for which rdfscr:domain(p,s) applies.
What can one tell from the assertion rdfscs:domain(p,a)?
You know that the real:domain of p is some superset of s.
In other words, there is some class t where subset(s,t)
and real:domain(p,s).

However, the universal set is always a superset of s and
also is always a real:domain of p in the sense that anything
which is the subject of p must be in the universal set.

So this condidtion is always true, so we have learned nothing.

Put another way "may be" does not translate into logic.

Tim BL

Received on Monday, 11 September 2000 14:28:52 UTC