Re: VCal namespace

Hi Kanzaki,

We're in complete agreement... However, the mistake has been made of not 
deciding which namespace to use, and consequently in the past five years 
or so people have started using one or the other.

Personally I don't mind if we choose one or the other, but at this 
moment Sindice finds 139,000 documents using

vs. 25 documents using

The results are most likely heavily biased by the fact that Sindice uses 
the former to represent microformats (and we've done the same so far at 
Yahoo), but this is how much we have in terms of evidence.


KANZAKI Masahide wrote:
> Hi
> I've been using RDFcal for five years in my project, and if the name
> space changed this time, it's the second time upset in this short
> period. It's very unfortunate for existing projects to have such an
> unstable namespace as its building block.
> If it is inevitable, please make it complete as soon as possible so
> that current project will not waste more resources. If possible,
> unchanged namespace is desirable.
> (Actually, I'm writing a book, one chapter of which is devoted to RDF
> calendar. Stable namespace is very important.)
> cheers,

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2008 11:52:54 UTC