Re: a new dateTime/timezone design, with datatypes

At 13:05 15/04/04 -0400, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
> >I actually found a problem with it when working out my
> >AMS itinerary: cwm doesn't substitute into the datatype
> >part of a literal.
>you mean you can't write an n3 rule that looks like :foo^^?x
>This is a problem with using cwm (admittedly, since that seems to be your
>tool of preference, and given our focus on real world tools, that makes it a
>potentially serious problem). Maybe I have mis-characterised it. But if you
>use a longhand version with rdf:datatype as a property does the problem go

FWIW, I don't think either of my query processors would (currently) handle 
this.  (It seems like a reason that interpretation properties for datatypes 
might have been a better way to go, but that's now water under the bridge.)


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Thursday, 15 April 2004 16:49:45 UTC