Re: a new dateTime/timezone design, with datatypes

At 9:34 AM -0500 04.4.15, Dan Connolly wrote:
>Nobody should be thinking that this namespace is completely stable.
>Our policy is...
>      * we announce all changes to the schema www-rdf-calendar
>      * if anyone screams, within a week or so, we'll back out the
>        changes (for further discussion)"

I understand what you mean, and some minor changes might be fine. But this
is not a laboratory test tube project. There are existing systems that
expect the current schema such as eventSherpa. I've tried to introduce
RDFical, and generated certain amount of RDFical data. It's not happy to
make those invalid and make people think that RDFical is

>If you don't think this change is a sufficient improvement to merit
>the cost of change, please say so.

I do not disagree with changes and improvements. Just do not want to make
existing RDFical invalid. Is there any way to allow but obsolete current
form (e.g. use new property names for new idea) ?

Received on Thursday, 15 April 2004 11:28:05 UTC