Re: Outlook / Timezones

On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 11:37, Libby Miller wrote:

> > it seems that I'm missing the tzid tag in dtstart & dtends. I guess I'm
> > getting a simple string representing local time. Also outlock doesn't
> > export the VTIMEZONE block that you get from Apple iCal. Neither does it
> > give the calendar's scale.
> hm, this is an issue - Apple ical did not do that either until recently,
> but iCalendar (RFC 2445) files are not usually valid unless they contain
> a timezone block, so it looks like Outlook is at fault here.

I think Outlook converts single events to iCalendar using UTC, i.e. with
a 'Z' on the end. It's valid iCalendar, but a timezone would be better.

Try saving a recurring event. I think it will output a timezone then.
(If it didn't, the event's time would be incorrect when daylight-savings
time is in effect.)

> Note that the timezone id is a string, e.g
> <tzid>/</tzid>

Also note that this is supposed to be a unique ID that we used for
libical in the Evolution calendar app.

I suppose it is OK to use these IDs as long as you don't change the
timezone data. But if you do change it at all, make sure you use your
own IDs.


Received on Wednesday, 5 November 2003 07:19:15 UTC