Re: a syntactic approach to RDF/ical interchange

On Wed, 2002-07-31 at 18:50, Gary Frederick wrote:
> Dan,
> I finally got some time to look further. I have some questions/comments. Should I post here?

Yes, please.
(I'm not currently subscribed to rdf-calendar; if you post here,
I'll eventually see it via the archives, but pls copy me
explicitly for conviniece all around. Maybe I'll subscribe...

> Anyone object?
> For example
> The elements in xCal are all lower case.
> generates 
>   <Vcalendar
>   <Vevent>
>   etc.

Yes... by convention, in RDF, class names start
with an uppercase letter, and property names
start with a lowercase letter.

> You may want to generate
>   <vcalendar
>   <vevent>

No, then they would look like property names.

I might want to generate

but that would add a special case to the routine
that normalizes capitalization...

excerpt from
v 1.4 2002/07/18 05:26:36

sub camelCase{
  my($n, $initialCap) = @_;

  my(@words) = map(lc, split(/-/, $n));

    return join('', map(ucfirst, @words));
    return $words[0] . join('', map(ucfirst, @words[1..$#words]));

sub testCamelCase{
  my(@cases, $n);

  @cases = ("DTSTART", "LAST-MODIFIED");
  foreach $n (@cases){
    printf "case: %s: prop: %s class: %s\n",
      $n, camelCase($n), camelCase($n, 1);


Dan Connolly, W3C
see you in Montreal in August at Extreme Markup 2002?

Received on Thursday, 1 August 2002 15:19:00 UTC