Re: More Work on iCalendar RDF Schema

On Thursday, June 21, 2001, at 08:39  PM, Libby Miller wrote:

> some test data is at

Aha, now I can comment!

Why THEANNOYINGNAMES? I have difficulty distinguishing between 
Classes and properties, and there is no good reason for keeping 
them in ALLCAPS.

Why the funky dates? Can't we just use W3CDTF like everyone else?

Why duplicate ical:DESCRIPTION and dc:description ?

As a test, I tried transcribing into N3 
with the simplifications I propose above. Look at how much 
simpler it is:

@prefix util: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix event: <> .
@prefix speaker: <> .
@prefix : <
full/hybrid.rdf#> .

[ a :VCalendar ;
	dc:description "2" ;
	:vEventProp event:137 .
] .

event:137  a :VEvent ;
	:dtStart "20010525T141500" ;
	:dtEnd "20010525T141500" ;
	:description "The State of XML" ;
	util:presentation [ a foaf:Document
		dc:creator speaker:40  ;
		dc:title "The State of XML" ;
		dc:description "This talk surveys the current state of 
XML - from standards and standards-makers through to XML's role 
in the architecture of the next generation of computer systems. 
XML's influence is being felt ever more broadly: not only on the 
Web and in business, but also in more unexpected places such as 
operating systems and embedded devices. Aided by an energetic, 
creative and sometimes controversial community, the state of XML 
is looking better than ever." ] .

speaker:40 a foaf:Person, :CalAddress .

[ "Aaron Swartz" ; <> ; <> ]

Received on Friday, 22 June 2001 00:06:15 UTC