Re: relationship to iCalendar

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 12:10:09AM +0100, Libby Miller wrote:
> > 3. How closely does this specification model the iCalendar structure?
> currently, very closely, although as we get more implementation
> experience, this may change.

Hrm. what's wrong with sticking close to iCalendar? I'm working on
Net::ICal, a perl implementation of rfc2445, and I was thinking
of making it capable of outputting rdf as specified by your schema,
so we can use xsl to convert it to html/other xml formats. But
if you're going to move away from iCalendar, I'd have to come up
with my own xml format.

Another question, why are <ical:VEVENT>s wrapped in a <ical::VEVENT-PROP>?
From the example data you have
( it looks
like it's just a gratuitous extra tag.


Received on Friday, 10 August 2001 14:25:38 UTC