Re: XML Query Test Suite version 0.8.6

> Have I missed something?

No, you raise a valid point. The catalog format has grown incrementally 
over the last year. We've spent all of our labor getting the test cases in 
place and creating the couple of guideline documents.

About the best I can offer in the near future will be a better commented 
XQTSCatalog.xsd file.

                                                -- Andrew

Andrew Eisenberg
4 Technology Park Drive
Westford, MA  01886

Per Bothner <> 
02/22/2006 02:25 AM

Andrew Eisenberg/Concord/IBM@IBMUS
Re: XML Query Test Suite version 0.8.6

I haven't found a human-readable specification of the format of
the XQTSCatalog.xml file.  The XQTSCatalog.xsd file is obviously
not a substitute - it barely even contains any comments.
The "Guidelines" file talks about "test suite customization"
but it doesn't explain the actual catalog format which presumably
is what I need to harness.

Of course I could reverse-engineer the format, but it seems silly
that I would have to.  Have I missed something?
                 --Per Bothner

Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2006 21:33:49 UTC