RE: not operator in XQuery?

Hi Frank,

This is a perfectly valid XQuery:

let $a := <a>4</a>
where not ($a > 3 and $a < 5)
return $a


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Frank Yung-Fong Tang
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 3:53 PM
Subject: not operator in XQuery?

Dear XQuery expert:

Can some one explain to me how can I do logical 'not' in XQuery WHERE
clause now?
I take a look at

The syntax seems allow me to do
let $a := <a>4</a>
where $a > 3 and $a < 5
return $a

I cannot find a logical "not" operator there. So it seems not allow me to do

let $a := <a>4</a>
where not ($a > 3 and $a < 5)
return $a

Is right? Why?
Frank Yung-Fong Tang
Šýšţém Årçĥîţéçţ

Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2005 20:02:28 UTC