XQuery By Example

After a poster presentation at the WWW conference in Budapest, we have a running demo of:

 XQBE, the "Query By Example" language for XML.

XQBE is a graphic, easy to use, query language for XML that covers a large fraction of XQuery.
The demo covers several W3C use cases and produces their translation into XQuery. It also accepts arbitrary queries on valid XML documents, that can be presented by users.
To run the demo, enter


 and follow the XQBE sign.
 Please give us any feedbacks on usability and report of any problem.
Daniele Braga ( braga@elet.polimi.it )
Alessandro Campi ( campi@elet.polimi.it )
Stefano Ceri ( ceri@elet.polimi.it )

Received on Monday, 16 June 2003 13:44:36 UTC