DoV (was Re: Extension/Extensibility)

> This is a point that David Marston always points out - interactions with 
> other dimensions of variability.  I agree, that something should be 
> said, as a caution to editors/writers and something they need to think 
> about.

drifting ...

I found the DoV parts of your CR difficult, but worth the effort. I 
realise that the groups I have worked in could have done a better job if 
we had spent appropriate effort on this issue.
I hope that in your rework that you manage to present the concerns - 
possibly simplified (although I suspect that it's impossible to provide 
very general suggestions other than think about DoV and interactions).

If it would be helpful I could sketch a critique of OWL in this respect, 
although you often shy away from indicating what WGs failed to do and 
perhaps should have done; if I were to do this it would have to be 
framed as a personal opinion.


Received on Friday, 7 May 2004 03:45:49 UTC