Re: [SpecGL] C1: Define your terms, GP 1

Nice Dom.  Looks good as is.  No comments.


At 04:14 PM 7/26/2004 +0200, Dominique Hazaël-Massieux wrote:
>1st GP for section C1; it would come after the principles
>Good Practice: define the terms in-line, and consolidate the definitions
>in a glossary section
>What does this mean?
>Put the definition of any new term along with its first occurrence in
>the text, but make sure that all the definitions are also available from
>a central glossary section.
>Why care?
>Having the definition in-line makes it easier to read the whole
>specification from top to bottom, while having a centralized section of
>defined terms makes it handy to look up a term when looking at a
>specific section, or for others to re-use your definitions.
>- if you use XMLspec to edit the specification, using <termdef> and
><term> to markup the in-line definitions makes it possible to get
>automatically a glossary with <glist>
>- if you use XHTML, extracting the glossary from the in-line definitions
>can be done with XSLT (see e.g.
> )
>Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Tuesday, 27 July 2004 19:09:20 UTC