OpsET with Techniques added


At [1] - [3] are the first version of Operational Examples & Techniques 
(OpsET) with useful techniques added.

[1] is OpsET itself.  [2] is a "charter template" appendix, for 
demonstrating all charter-related checkpoints of OpsGL.  [3] is a "QA 
Process Document template" appendix, for demonstrating all QAPD-related 
checkpoints of OpsGL. [2] and [3] are heavily linked from [1].

[2] and [3] are fill-in-the-blank templates -- implementers could start 
with these, fill in the indicated information, and be done with their 
Charter or QAPD.  Altogether, this takes care of about 20 of the 29 
checkpoints of OpsGL.

This may be interesting from the Boston-outreach perspective.  It is our 
aim to convey, "don't be daunted by all of the Checkpoints, it is actually 
pretty easy."  With templates, it couldn't be a whole lot easier.  In fact 
Lynne (co-author of the templates) and I thought that the only easier thing 
would be a form, that filled in the template (but ... not clear whether the 
effort is worth it).

There are some details and rough edges to be worked on in OpsET and the 
templates.  Please send comments.


[1] http://www.w3.org/QA/WG/2003/02/qaframe-ops-extech-20030217.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/QA/WG/2003/02/OpsET-charter-20030217.html
[3] http://www.w3.org/QA/WG/2003/02/OpsET-qapd-20030217.html

Received on Monday, 17 February 2003 08:05:33 UTC