SpecGL problems/issues for telcon 28 Oct

The following are a list of the problems/issues identified in the latest 
version of SpecGL http://www.w3.org/QA/WG/2002/10/qaframe-spec-20021025
and marked by @@@.   I've indicated the items I think are the highest 
priority.  Unless someone suggests indicates a preference/priority, my 
intention is to address the ** in order

SpecGL problems/issues

** indicates priority.
* indicates we can deal with this quickly

*G 1:  explanation and clean-up of sentence on use cases (editorial)
   1.3:   make the statement stronger.  Currently requires only 1 example
  *2.2:  move discussion on class of product to ET
   *2.2    reword CP or its TA
** 3.1  TOC for profiles
3.3     do we need a rationale or write a better one
**3.5  what is meant by 'testable rule' 'clash'
**6.2  rationale for CP on strict conformance
**6.3  rationale
7.2     reword CP or its TA
7.3     applicability of CP to class of product
G9 rewritten, general consensus
9.6  applicability, remove?
**12.1  normative ICS
  **12.2  more ICS
13.1 add words on capitalization
13.3 testability of consistent terminology
**14.1 TA discussion on normativity

Received on Friday, 25 October 2002 11:24:18 UTC