Suggestion for different agenda Tokyo F2F (AI-2002-0918-7 completed)


below please find my suggestion for different F2F agenda ( my 
AI-2002-0918-7 completed).

4.) Tokyo agenda (refine?)
        - Day1-AM: IG-WG topics
                * any additional topics?
        - Day1-PM: proposed restructuring...
                * TA markup topic (&questionnaire)
                * Test sub-group topic
                * Test materials demos/discussion
        - Day2-AM: TestGL
                * specific topics/focus/issues?
                * overflow demos from Day1?
        - Day2-PM: SpecGL issues
        - Day3-AM/PM: SpecGL issues
        - Day3-PM:  wrapup, AI summary, etc.
                * next meeting details (KG)?

My initial reaction is that Day 1 PM is going to be too full: I'd 
personally rather see Day 1 PM look like:
		TA Markup topic
		Test Group Topic

and have the trainling Test materials demos/discussion spill over to one 
of Day2PM/Day3AM.

Rationale: All three topics on the current Day1PM slot are quite 
important and we have allocated resources to bring them about (except 
perhaps for the demos which have been produced elsewhere). Speaking of 
the remaining two; being one of the originators I would very much like 
some more time on both the Questionnaire discussion (as the WG 
discussion is crucial for the future) as well as the Test Group forming, 
which I think should be discussed at lentgh, as have similar things in 
the past.

I do believe this is doable, if we manage to solve some SpecGL issues in 
telcons. However, there are temporal aspects (publication deadlines and 
the like) so we would need to be quite focused.



Received on Tuesday, 1 October 2002 18:54:04 UTC