Montreal dial-up, agenda

QAWG participants --

   -- Any dial-up participants:  tell Lofton (!impt -- bridge capacity)
   -- All: review references before the meeting.
   -- All: send any Agenda change suggestions.


Karl has succeeded in getting a phone line into our Montreal meeting room, 
as well as a speaker phone.  It will be possible to participate in the 
meeting by dialing the Zakim bridge,

Phone:  617-761-6200
Passcode:  72943 ("QAWGF").
Times:  9am-5pm EDT, Thursday & Friday.

** NOTE ** the slightly different passcode from normal.

Current Agenda

Below is a light revision of the previous (2nd draft) of the agenda.  Basic 

** Morning Day 1: Outreach & Education, WG-life, WG-future, logistics, 
staffing, etc.

** Afternoon Day 1: Glossary and Framework topics, then Issues processing, 
focusing on SpecGuide first.

** Morning Day 2: Frm:Test topics, then Issues processing

** Afternoon Day 2: Issues processing, then "next meetings" and adjourn.

Remarks about agenda:

1.) Before COB Tuesday, I will circulate a more detailed version -- with 
suggested issues prioritization as well as more complete References (links).

2.) I expect that the time allocations in Day 1 may be too generous, and we 
may in fact be able to start Issues processing in early  afternoon. Comments?

3.) Preparation.  Please review all open issues, review recent threads 
(esp. May-June) on testable assertions, "flavors are evil", and glossary 
topics.  Please have a look at some of the WAI specifications, especially 
their conformance clauses (e.g., UAAG), their glossaries, and their 
"Techniques" parts that accompany their Guidelines.

DAY 1 - June 13, 2002

08:45 Welcome, Roll Call, WG Membership topic(s)

09:00  Telcon schedule issue

9:15-11:15 Outreach & education topics
         - A week in QA: Status & staff
         - How-to have more participation of the IG? (list of people? etc?) 
Does the QA IG should work closely with other organisation like WASP 
         - How to get more participation in the WG?
         - W3C Project Review (scheduled: 2002-06-20)
         - Chairs meeting presentation?
         - proactive charter/ops review? (per WD OpsGuide)
         - proactive spec review? (per WD SpecGuide)
         - A-2002-03-01-4 from [1]:  requiring/enforcing Guidelines

10:00-10:15 Break

11:15-12:15 Outreach & education topics
         - Proposal for a "Test WG"
         - Horizontal activities: WAI, I18N, DI, QA
         - Tools Maintenance and resources (HTML validator, CSS validator, 
EARL report, ...)
         - Relation with the TAG

12:15-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00 Glossary and Framework
* "QA Glossary" topics and issues

* Long-term Framework goals/schedule proposal
         - 06/2002 Montreal f2f
         - 08/2002 WG posting all Frm parts
         - 10/2002 f2f Asia/Pacific (Tokyo)
         - 10/2002 TR publish all Frm parts (FPWD at least)
         - 01/2003 f2f North America or Europe
         - 01/2003 "Last Call", all Framework parts
         - 03/2003 Tech Plenary, present "finished" Frm.

* Framework priorities, issues, status, staffing
         - Priority order: [Ops parts;] Spec parts; Test parts
         - Extech parts issues
         - status/plans for Ops parts
         - status/plans for Spec parts
         - [Test parts will be Day 2]

* Framework document formats
         - change for Guide-Extech maintenance
         - XHTML with a few new 'class' attributes
         - then xmlspec
         - Relationship to Extech issue solution?

15:00-15:15 Break

15:15-17:00 Issues Processing
         - SpecGuide Gd.3 (flavors)
         - "Test Assertion" thread
         - From Issues List [2]

DAY 2 - June 13, 2002
08:45 Roll Call, Review&Recap. Day 1

09:00-09:30 Framework documents
         - status/plans for Test Parts

09:15-10:00 Issues Processing
         - "Test license" issues (KG)
         - Continue w/ issues from [2]

10:00-10:15 Break

10:15-12:15 Issues Processing [2]

12:15-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00 Issues Processing [2]

15:00-15:15 Break

15:15-16:30 Issues processing [2]

16:30-17:00 Logistics, Next F2F.



Received on Monday, 10 June 2002 16:03:18 UTC