QA reviews assignment Matrix proposal

This is just a proposition of QA review for People with regards to

I think it will be good to do things which are not only pure 
technology, and that cover also technologies which are very related 
to human or policies to see if the QA Guidelines can be applied.

	Examples of that are WAI, P3P, Patent Policy Framework
	See [2]

	Olivier, I gave you WCAG but it's not mandatory as you're not 
part of the WG, but if you want to do it. It will be welcome :)

QA Framework reviews

| QA WG Member  |WG reviewed |Spec reviewed |TS    reviewed|  Techniques  |
|               |using the QA|using  the  QA|using  the  QA|assesment for |
|               |   Ops GL   |   Spec GL    |Test        GL|a    GL    doc|
|               |            |              |   [future]   |   [future]   |
|   Dimitris    |DOM (done)  |              |              |              |
|  Dimitriadis  |            |              |              |              |
|  Karl Dubost  |   RDF      |   RDF WD     |              |              |
| Peter Fawcett |   SMIL     |   SMIL 2     |              |              |
|    Kirill     |    SOAP    |SOAP (multiple|              |              |
|   Gavrylyuk   |            |parts) [done] |              |              |
|   Dominique   |QA [tbd]    |QA Operational|              |              |
|Hazael-Massieux|            |GL [tbd]      |              |              |
|    Lofton     |SVG (done)  |SVG [tbd]     |              |              |
|   Henderson   |CSS [done]  |              |              |              |
| David Marston |  XSL       |   XSLT 1     |              |              |
|Sandra Martinez|XML (done)  |XML Namespace |              |              |
|               |            |1.1 [tbd]     |              |              |
| Jack Morrison |MathML      |MathML [tbd]  |              |              |
|               |[2002-08-16]|              |              |              |
|Lynne Rosenthal|  XLink     |   XLink      |              |              |
|  Mark Skall   |   P3P      |   P3P  1.0   |              |              |
|Andrew Thackrah|HTML [tbd]  |Modularization|              |              |
|               |            |XHTML and     |              |              |
|               |            |XHTML 1.1     |              |              |
|               |            |[tbd]         |              |              |
|    Olivier    |   WAI      |   WCAG 1.0   |              |              |
|   Thereaux    |            |              |              |              |

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Wednesday, 31 July 2002 11:39:21 UTC