Fwd: RE: Test Editors teleconf


For your interest, and for archival, here is the record of the Monday 
telcon of the editors of "Test GL/Extech" parts...

>Subject: RE: Test Editors teleconf (RE: we left -- please call) - 
>Time/phone change
>Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 09:28:41 -0700
>Thread-Topic: Test Editors teleconf (RE: we left -- please call) - 
>Time/phone change
>Thread-Index: AcIe5HT3pLqbltI0Twec/fyLuy43GAACud4wAIo6cjA=
>From: "Kirill Gavrylyuk" <kirillg@microsoft.com>
>To: "Kirill Gavrylyuk" <kirillg@microsoft.com>,
>         "peter fawcett" <pfawcett@real.com>,
>         "Lofton Henderson" <lofton@rockynet.com>
>Cc: "dimitris Dimitriadis" <dimitris@ontologicon.com>,
>         "Mark Skall" <mark.skall@nist.gov>
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 01 Jul 2002 16:28:41.0862 (UTC) 
>X-RCPT-TO: <lofton@rockynet.com>
>Thanks all for participation. Summary:
>1st editor s milestone: July 19th.
>Criteria: all the prose for all chapters intended for the 1st WG draft is 
>ready. Some ex.-tech. additions into the guidelines/chkpt. 
>text.  Editorial quality is not the goal for this milestone.
>Other dates:
>-         July 17th all the contributions for July 19th sent to Kirill
>-         July 18th evening text is published
>-         July 19th 2nd Test Editors telecon
>-         August 19th 1st WG draft of the Testing Guidelines document. 
>Single document with Gd/Chkpt/techniques&examples in it.
>Kirill, Peter on vacation ~22nd July. Kirill will be back 3rd August.
>Work load
>Pri1 areas:
>Spec Analysis Mark, Kirill
>Test Framework (tests development framework, automation, reporting) Peter, 
>Introduction Dimitris, Kirill
>Pri2 areas:
>Testing Strategy Mark, Kirill
>Test development Peter
>Conduct public testing Peter
>QA WG <-> WG relationship - Kirill
>Editorial framework
>-         Lofton, Peter and Dimitris to evaluate the xml-spec use after 
>July 19th.
>-         All agreed that single master document for both Gd and ExTech 
>documents is the way to go, pending the details to work out.
>-         Kirill to post the revised doc version tonight for WGs Wednesday 
>-         Dimitris to send the comments on Test Framework to Kirill/WG.
>Not covered
>Lofton s proposal to have an in-document glossary. We should probably 
>prepare a glossary of all the terms that we use in the Testing Guidelines. 
>Then we can decide what to do with it later.
>Let me know if I missed anything.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kirill Gavrylyuk
>Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 3:23 PM
>To: 'peter fawcett'; Lofton Henderson
>Cc: dimitris Dimitriadis; Mark Skall
>Subject: Test Editors teleconf (RE: we left -- please call) - Time/phone 
>Hi, all,
>On MS telecon bridge, the only slot I succeed to book is 7am to 8:30am PDT 
>(that is 5pm till 6:30pm Athens). Hope everybody is ok with it. If not - 
>please raise before Monday morning.
>Peter, I apologize for inconvenience regarding early hours.
>Updated telecon info:
>Date/Time:  Monday July 1st, 7am PDT, 10am EDT, 5pm Athens
>Phone (new!!!):
>US: 1-800-421-6738.
>Outside of US: 1-425-703-7600
>Meeting ID: 72941
>Current document:
>- Work separation. Roughly we have the following areas now:
>1. Spec Analysis
>2. Testing Strategy
>3. Test Framework (automation, reporting)
>    3.1 Reverse binding tests -> spec, spec coverage
>4. Test development
>5. Conduct public testing.
>With guidelines/checkpoints, notes and TechEx for each area. Mark will be 
>absent, but he indicated he d prefer to work on mostly on 1 and some on 2.
>- Intermediate milestones. Lofton proposed July 22. What can be done to 
>that date?
>- Editing format/template keep the way it is now, or move to XML?
>- Plan for the Testing Guidelines vs Testing Extech. Keep single 
>masterpiece or separate?
>- Lofton s proposal regarding in-document glossary
>-- Keep a Glossary chapter during Frm:<doc> development.
>-- Migrate terms and consensus definition to QA Glossary as definition
>matures in Frm:<doc>
>-- Replace definition in Frm:<doc>-Glossary with QA Glossary pointer.
>-- Possibly extend the latter definition (pointer) with additional stuff,
>for Frm:<doc> special needs.
>Meeting Information: **Email notifications can take up to 24 hours for 
>delivery - Please make a note of the following information**
>Meeting ID
>Meeting Telephone Number
>425-703-7600 or 800-421-6738
>Meeting Name
>Meeting Password
>Not Required
>Meeting Date
>JUL 1,2002
>Scheduled Start Time
>7:00 AM
>Scheduled Length (minutes)
>Number of Locations
>Meeting Frequency
># of Occurrences
>Meeting Language
>English (USA)
>Please let everybody know Let me know by Monday morning if not. Peter, I 
>apologize for pain of the 7am PDT.

Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2002 16:53:16 UTC