So-called Patent Policy "bug" of Section 3.3

Dear Sirs,

I am writing in support of the Free Software Foundation's objection to
the allowance of field of use restrictions in the proposed W3C patent

We live in a historic time, a fact called to our attention on a daily
basis when we read of ludicrous overly-broad patents and patents based
on prior art being granted: our legal system cannot fully and rightly
judge patents for software, yet it has full authority to do so. Web
standards should not facilitate or risk further confusion in software
patent law either directly or indirectly.

Please conform the proposed policy to the General Public License and
help simplify and encourage the development of future royalty-free

Surely our best course is to adopt consistent policies if we are to
promote consistent standards. Conformance to the General Public License
will encourage web standards. Opening the grey door to court
interpretation of field of use will not. 


Dave McFadden

Received on Tuesday, 7 January 2003 19:12:59 UTC