Re: I Disaprove past decisions over "RF" patents

 > According to conclusions from FSF's recent researches, "RF" patents
 > cannot be used in GPL projects due to a conflict with the GPL'7th
 > section.
 > We ask ourselves even if any of this software can be considered as
 > "free".

This is specialy sensitive in a field where information has to be 
exchanged, even a "free" patent can prevent the free exchange of this 
information because the software who can manage the information cannot 
be modified freely (I may have to modify the software to make it works 
on my own computer for multiple reasons, the most obvious is that I have 
to port the software on a new architechture).

So be sure that a GPL software can be used to manage W3C recommations, 
it is a good waranty of freedom.
Loic Le Loarer

Received on Friday, 29 November 2002 09:41:57 UTC