Re: Field of use restrictions

Co-kit= creativity originality knowledge information and technology.
legal entity = goverment, corporation, NPO, partnership, university,
               institutions created under or by the law.
human= a information seeking and using biological entity which dies.

my question is on the issue of human access to co-kit.  Such access is a
basic human right which no nation state, no organization, no non human and
no group of humans, no law, treaty or agreement, or constitution can
equitably assume the power to pass laws, use police powers, or allows
others within their domains to deny any human individual access to
any and all co-kit. 
Participation in one's society has but one benefit, a greater knowledge,
and the individual as a human member of that society has an inalienable
right, one that the nation state must protect, to access all such
knowledge whenever, however or whereever it is generated.  This is a
basic attribute of humanity and the justification supporting a
human-government parternship, and is inalienable to the human individual.

However, I do not believe that legal persons like corporations enjoy
such rights.  So it would seem that nation states could prevent or
limit their access to co-kit, by and between legal entities as they see
fit, but they have no right, authority or power to limit the access of a
human being, any human being, or to grant one human being favored or 
gated access.  

The function of government and of standards agencys should be to improve
human life, not make a profit for a few wealthy people or legal entities
to the exclusion of all others. 

On 10 Dec 2002, Jesse Goerz wrote:

> To the Board:
> Why is it that what always seems to be obvious just can't be done.  The
> world wide web is something for everyone.  Special interests and large
> corporate lobbies should not rule how standards are set--period. 
> Standards have always been in place to benefit the consumer.  Would you
> please comply with the Free Software Foundations requests and remove any
> 'field of use' restrictions from your patent policy.
> Jesse Goerz
> College Student

Received on Saturday, 14 December 2002 10:08:25 UTC