
Please reconsider the RAND Policy by removing it from consideration. The 
Internet's growth
has only been possible because of free and open standards. Please do not 
let corporate greed
stand in the way of doing what's right. It was the free and open nature 
of TCP/IP that
allows the Internet to exist, it is the free and open nature of SMTP 
that allows us to
communicate, it is the free and open nature to HTTP that allows us to 
share knowledge.

Don't destroy the value and importance the W3C has in the world IT 
community by
approving this policy. Look what corporate greed did to the Open Source 
and the Motif widget library. When was the last time you heard of anyone 

Too many people have worked too long and hard to let the last 25 years 
go to waste.

Only with a patent and royality free internet will the world have true 
competition, universal
communication, and universal information sharing...

Boyd Fletcher

Received on Saturday, 29 September 2001 23:45:59 UTC