my name and other matters

Just so you don't think this is an anonymous email, my name is Leo Lipelis.  I am a real person and a USA citizen.  If you need more information or proof, feel free to contact me at this email address.

To repeat: I am *very strongly* against RAND licensing and software patents, especially so if they apply to web technologies!
I used to think CPRM was bad, but you guys outdid yourselves!  And I have what, one hour to comment???  On a saturday night???  You're kidding me, right?  What you're doing is simply CRIMINAL!!!  I don't mean it as an epithet!  I mean, you are *literally* criminals, just like the guys who break into 7/11 to steal money.

I guess developing secret standards is all the rage these days with CPRM and now this.

--Leo Lipelis

Received on Saturday, 29 September 2001 23:44:48 UTC