Patent Policy Issues

W3C WG members,

please think very carefully before stepping in the direction of
encouraging standards requring royalty payments of any kind.  While
that may not be a problem for big companies, or even medium-sized
ones, it may be a huge problem for open source projects.

In my daily work as an incident handler and security specialist, I
rely heavily on open-source software, not only for my own work
environment. Quite frankly, I fear a world where Apache is no longer
conveniently available to replace IIS with, for example. Should W3C
start to encourage patent-encumbered web standards, we might end up in
a situation like that.


Kent Engström,		Linköping University Incident Response Team
+46 13 28 1744

UNIT, Linköping University; SE-581 83  LINKÖPING; SWEDEN

Received on Tuesday, 2 October 2001 18:01:34 UTC