Re: customization purpose

The customization purpose is covered by other
purposes with required set to "opt-in" (not the 'other' purpose).
Depending on the type of customization, it may be
covered by current, tailoring, pseudo-decision, or
individual decision. In your case it sounds like
current would be appropriate (note the new definition
of current), but I would have to know more about
what you are doing to know for sure.


Lorrie Cranor

----- Original Message -----
From: "Clifford Lyon" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 5:57 PM
Subject: customization purpose

> Hi,
> >>Removed the customization purpose in 3.3.4
> Our old policy used customization purpose to cover things like stock
watchers. Going fwd, should this be added as an `other' purpose? Or is the
thought that is need not be included at all?
> Thanks,
> Cliff Lyon

Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2001 22:15:04 UTC