Data Set = Data Structure?


while working with the CR 20001215, I did not find a difference between
a data set and a data structure.

In 1.3 a data set is defined as
"A known grouping of data elements ... The P3P1.0 base data schema
specifies a number of data sets"

In 5 is written:
"... and P3P also provides built-in basic data structures"

These two seem to link to the Basic Data Structures.

Is there any difference between a data structure and a data set that I
did not see, or do we have two names for the same thing?


Uwe Jendricke
Uwe Jendricke                  <>
Institut fuer Informatik und Gesellschaft, Abteilung Telematik
Universitaet Freiburg                   Tel.: +49-761-203-4932
Friedrichstr. 50, D-79098 Freiburg    Fax: -4929, Sekr.: -4964
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