Hello High School Alumni

Dear High School Alumni,
This email is to inform you of a new website that allows you to stay in touch with your high school friends. <A HREF="http://www.tdyalumni.com">www.tdyalumni.com</A>
Wouldn't it be great to surprise an old friend with an email.  Spark up that old friendship, see what the captain of the football team is up to today, find out if the prom queen is still all that.  Go to <A HREF="www.tdyalumni.com">www.tdyalumni.com</A> and contact them now!  This is the number one site for contacting high school alumni.
The Digital Yearbook allows you to create your own personal page, which mcan include now and then photos, yearbook pages, group/team photos, or your own collage of photos.  With over 25,000 schools listed on The Digital Yearbook you are able to not only stay in touch with friends from your high school, but you are also able to rekindle friendships with people you meet from any other high school in the United States.
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Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2000 05:01:48 UTC