Re: HTML File Validation - do you need it?

Dear Simeon, 

> Thanks to the archives on this list, my p3p compact policy and p3p.xml are
> validating.  Thanks!  I realize you need to have both of these in working
> order to be inline with Microsoft.

Good to hear!

> My question is this, do you need to have the "HTML File Validation" set in
> order to have the policy work?  My understanding is that you donšt.  The W3
> only requires one of the three to be valid, and MS likes you to have the
> compact policy and policy reference in place.  Am I correct?  This will also
> save a lot of time because, we will not have change each page on our site,
> just make the modifications in apache.

I had that issue with another implementer already. Depending on your
web-site, it is preferred to start with the well-known-location. The
link-tag is only there for sites like geocities that have thousands of
users with different setups. It would be overkill for them to maintain a
single policy reference file. 

But in your case, as you already said, this is the opposite. If you see
that P3P implementations don't support the well-known-location or the
header-mechanism, please report that here.

Rigo Wenning            W3C/ERCIM
Policy Analyst          Privacy Activity Lead        2004, Routes des Lucioles      F-06902 Sophia Antipolis

Received on Thursday, 5 February 2004 06:55:36 UTC