Re: [Fwd: Need a P3P-AppelEditor]

---------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 14:29:39 +0200
From: Rigo Wenning <>
To: Kourosh Matin <>
Cc:, Giles Hogben <>
Subject: Re: Need a P3P-AppelEditor

AFAIK, JRC has released the source of their APPEL-engine and their
Proxy, which means you get a parser for both written in Java.

BTW, can you tell more about your project? Is there a URI with a
description of it?

Rigo Wenning            W3C/ERCIM
Policy Analyst          Privacy Activity Lead        2004, Routes des Lucioles      F-06902 Sophia Antipolis

On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 02:10:44PM +0200, Kourosh Matin wrote:
 > A better explanation:
 > I am working on a profiling component that should employ the
 > P3P and APPEL concepts.  That is, the profiling component
 > knows the user privacy preferences in APPEL and the requestor
 > gives the URI of its privacy policy in P3P.  My profiling
 > component should now decide about the behavior (accept/
 > reject/prompt) and log the evidence on this decision.  For
 > this purpose, I am seeking for tools and libraries that help
 > me by providing an API.  The least features I hope to find
 > in those tools are the parsers for APPEL and P3P, but
 > naturally my pleasure would grow proportionally with more
 > features!
 > Could anybody help me by giving hints on such tools?

Dear Mr. Wenning,

Our work is part of an EU project called "mummy - mobile
knowledge management" ( emphasizing
context-aware authoring, sharing, retrieval, and
presentation of multimedia content in spatially distributed
business processes.  The profiling component mentioned in
Kourosh's email is actually a context-manager that, among
others and in addition to the privacy protection mechanisms,
should guarantee the informational self-determination right
of its users and provide feedback on the disclosure of
personal data, retrospectively.  At this stage, we
unfortunately have no publications about our activities on
privacy-awareness, but the ideas about the context-manager
itself are described in the following papers (see

1. A Context-Oriented RDF Database.
    Tazari, M.R.  SWDB03, Berlin (Germany), September 2003.
2. Modelling User Context.
    Tazari, M.R. & Grimm, M. & Finke, M.  HCII2003, Crete
    (Greece), June 2003.
3. Towards a Framework for Mobile Knowledge Management.
    Grimm, M. & Tazari, M.R. & Balfanz, D.  PAKM2002,
    Vienna (Austria), December 2002.

Best Regards,

-- Saied Tazari

Received on Wednesday, 22 October 2003 12:43:13 UTC