Re: Strange Policy Problem

I just took a look and I don't see cookies being blocked with either  
URL. I see one session cookie being set. Under the default setting in  
IE6 session cookies are never blocked.

How do you know your cookie is being blocked? Because you see a red eye  
in IE6 or because your application is not functioning properly? If it  
is the red eye you are seeing, click on it and see whether the cookie  
being blocked is the cookie you think it is. You may want to try  
removing your cookies and restarting your browser. If the problem is  
that your application is not functioning properly but you don't  
actually see the red eye, than the IE6 cookie blocking is unlikely to  
be the culprit.


On Tuesday, March 4, 2003, at 03:46  PM, Carter St.Clair wrote:

> Here's a strange one for me - I've got a client who's website has a  
> valid
> P3P policy and compact policy.  When framing his URL using SSL, the  
> cookie
> is blocked in IE6:
> record_order.asp?strSource=null&intTrack
> ingID=null&intOrderTotal=1&intOrderID=WB
> But when framing the same site without SSL, the cookie is not blocked:
> record_order.asp?strSource=null&intTracki
> ngID=null&intOrderTotal=1&intOrderID=WB
> Any idea why SSL is causing IE6 to block this cookie?  Both referenced  
> URLs
> have valid compact policies that are acceptable by IE6, and the http  
> one
> works fine.
> Thanks for any input,
> -Carter St.Clair

Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 09:40:00 UTC