Re: Help with P3P Validator error message

I'm not sure about the error message... But I took a quick look at your
policy reference file and noticed that the namespace is out of date... Make
sure your xmlns line uses the namespace for the latest P3P spec


On 2/12/03 11:59 AM, "Cheryl Stephens" <> wrote:

> I am trying to help one of our customers implement the P3P policy.
> However, I am getting the following error.  I have tried doing different
> things. I do have 1 policy that works and this one has me stumped.
> "Error: The target document does NOT include an appropriate element for
> the
> P3P policy indicated at line 3"
> URL to policy :
> Help would be great!

Received on Wednesday, 12 February 2003 13:15:13 UTC