Re: Different P3Ps on one domain

If you can do the URL rewriting and virtual hosting, that would be
great. But even if you can't, P3P user agents are supposed to
consider the entire URL, including the query string, when deciding
what policy applies. So you can create a policy reference file
with different policies for different URLs, differentiating based
on the query string.


Lorrie Faith Cranor -
P3P Specification Working Group Chair -
New book: Web Privacy with P3P -

----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam van den Hoven" <>
To: "P3P Mailing list" <>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 12:54 PM
Subject: Different P3Ps on one domain

> Good morning!!
> At my company we write an application that is the online banking tool for
Canadian Credit Unions. We also host it.
> Right now, I have to implement P3P policies for these CUs. Or rather I
need to implement test P3Ps on our test box.
> Here is the problem.
> Each of our credit unions will be hosted off the same URL (typically and we distinguish each CU by an entry in the query
string that gets passed around. For instance the login page for two
different credit unions would be:
> now if I put my p3p policies (which will be different for each CU) in the
well known location, I'm probably going to have problems. I'm assuming that
my querystrings will not make it into the request for the policy.
> One thing that has come up is the possibility of using Apache's URL
rewriting so that instead of making everything dependant on the inst value
we would have virtual hosts like:
> but our operations guys may balk at that.
> Does anyone have an idea how I can do this?
> Adam
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> D O T E A S Y - "Join the web hosting revolution!"

Received on Monday, 19 August 2002 13:04:53 UTC