FW: iCard GB: P3P Compact Policy

Can anyone offer any help. We are getting syntex error on compact policy
validation for our iCard website. The error is 
	Step 2-1: Compact Policy Validation
	Compact Policy has syntax errors or warnings.
		Error: PREi:option [i] is not permitted.
	   Error: UNIo:option [o] is not permitted.
Looks like opt-in/out options are not permitted with the token. Our model
policy contains these options. Also as per P3P specification "Each STATEMENT
element that does not include a NON-IDENTIFIABLE element MUST contain a
PURPOSE element " and opturi  is mandatory for policies that contain a
purpose with required attribute set to opt-in or opt-out. But looks like
policy validator does not accept it.

Any clue. Pls help.

Received on Tuesday, 16 December 2003 07:24:46 UTC